Heartbreaking as it is, a dog with a huge tumor on her head was abandoned on the streets, but three consecutive hospitals have refused treatment


Do you think that light has power? We act as your beacon! Xiao Fu, get moving! Okay, you need to refuel. You're going to be OK. Without a doubt, it will get better.

The volunteers received a concerning call around a month ago. They were informed about a dog lying by the roadside, which is an unbelievable sight for anyone. This poor dog was unkempt, drooling nonstop, and had a large tumor on his chest. The dog approached with great coquettishness despite the terrible conditions.

The volunteers didn't waste any time in coming to its aid. The dog must have endured a horrifying ordeal in the past to make it to this point. They hurried it to the hospital right away for emergency care.

This courageous dog, now known as Xiao Fu, waggled its tail despite the awful conditions. The results of the medical test revealed how much bone was being broken down by the tumor. The doctor warned that the situation was critical and that there might not be a viable choice for therapy.

Without giving up, the volunteers continued to get more views and took Xiao Fu to many hospitals. They eventually came across a hospital that was willing to try treatment. Its strong will to survive was evident in Xiao Fu's optimistic eyes, and its condition became better every day.

The trip of Xiao Fu wasn't without its challenges. It underwent various tests and received a blood transfusion. The volunteers experienced moments of uncertainty and discouragement, yet they persisted in their efforts. They trusted Xiao Fu's spirit of resistance.

But the CT scan's outcomes were terrible. The tumor had spread across the animal's skull, harming crucial bones and nerves. The volunteers continued in spite of the lack of surgery. They found that Xiao Fu had vascular fibroma, a form of cancer that was amenable to medication treatment.

After two months of constant treatment, Xiao Fu had put on weight and was getting the attention it required. Its future remained uncertain, but because to the support and love it got, Xiao Fu was able to live each day guilt-free in a loving environment.


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